In my two health classes I have heard so much about diet and the national food intake lately. One of the biggest topics has been meat and the harmful substances that are used to raise chicken, pigs, and cows which are then turned into the meat we consume and those harmful substances and put directly into our own bodies. Many consumers are still unaware of these huge problems but it is becoming a more popular and serious topic everyday.
According to AdWeek, Tyson's latest ad campaign contained ads that read ,"Raised without antiboitics" but that claim does not include the detail that the specific antibiotics it does not contain are those that can also affect the antibiotics that humans take. Tyson does actually use other antibiotics when raised the animals. Competing companies, Perdue and Sanderson brought the ad campaign to a federal judge and showed that no companies use antibiotics that can affect the antibiotics that humans use, but the ads would appear to consumers that those other companies do.
There was a preliminary injunction granted against the marketing Tyson used, in part because of the huge loses that the competitors have been experiencing. Sanderson reported $4 million in loses while Perdue reported $11 million.
Tyson has all of the materials for the campaign and although they had not released it yet, it had plans to begin before the main summer grilling season. As passionate about advertising and marketing as I am, I have learned about the information from the other side, the meat industry in particular, and so I strongly feel like is one campaign that needs to be left alone because of the amount of misleading information consumers will get.
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