As a child, I may have been the only girl to have a collection of hot wheels cars, but I loved them anyway. I didn't play with the cars the way my brother did. Instead I had my collection lined up along my bedroom window pane, just to look at. With this example it is obvious why Pontiac has chosen the target and approach to this campaign. They are targeting married men from 35-45, who most likely played with their Hot Wheels cars as children.
This campaign for the first new sedan in over three years brings together these toy cars with video games to raise the feelings these men felt so long ago when they played with their cars. One of the tv spots that will air during the NCAA basketball's March Madness shows the G8 racing around tracks that resemble a Hot Wheels racing set, and if that doesn't bring back memories I don't know what will!
The G8 is being promoted as "the most powerful car under 30 grand," according to the BrandWeek article. Ads will run in a number of different magazine titles as well as network spots. "The notion of the campaign is this unique bond people have with their car," said Jeff Cruz, the executive creative directer at Leo Burnett.
Another spot begins with, "Remember how you felt about cars as a kid?" the narrator says. "We do," says the narrator, as the G8 takes to two wheels on a hairpin turn, revealing the name "Ben" written in child-like scrawl on the undercarriage. All the ads sound really fun and creative to both watch and read
Pontiac spent $144 million on U.S. ads in 2006 (excluding online), but lowered the spending significantly last year to $95 million, per Nielsen Monitor-Plus. This ad campaign to assist the new G8 seems like it should be very successful and I can't wait to see them...even if I am still just a little girl who collects toy cars, and not the 40 year old man who actually wants to play with the real thing.
Check out the Pontiac website too! It looks awesome with the new campaign!
1 comment:
2 good posts - I had tonka trucks and loved playing with them as a kid. I think my brothers had matchbox cars - i remember a course with a loop.
10 points
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